On the occasion of the 16th Week of Psychology in Croatia, which is celebrated from February 20 to 26, 2023, we invite you to the workshop "When small hands join together: encouraging altruism and empathy in the family and community", which will be held in the Savica Library on Tuesday 21 February starting at 6 p.m. The workshop is led by psychologists from the association Pragma - Marija Granić and Mirjana Soljačić, and is primarily intended for parents and everyone who works with children, but also for everyone else.

Participation is free, and for technical preparation, we ask all interested parties to register at: [email protected]

The workshop is held as part of the "Family Support in the Community" program, and the activities of the Program are carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Health and the Central State Office for Demography and Youth. Partners in the Program are the City of Zagreb, the Society for Communication and Media Culture and the Association of Youth Judges, Family Judges and Experts for Children and Youth.